I am particularly interested in children with puzzles. Here I have repeatedly come across the central importance of residual reactions in early childhood reflexes. But also on mindfulness when dealing with children and parents. It's important to me that everyone involved understands that the child isn't doing this to annoy us, but because he can't do anything else! He/she lacks certain requirements. That's why I came up with this sentence: There's nothing you can do about it! I am a trained advertising clerk and was a copywriter and commercial film designer. After 10 years, I left the advertising industry, moved to the country, ran an ecological guesthouse and became a mother of two. Since 2005, I have been training in special education and bring my ability to empathize with people's needs to my work with children and parents ein.Ausbildung special education teacher training, Hamburg developmental diagnostics - development support. Further education in curative education for the special children of our time, Bernhard Lievegoed Institute, Hamburg Further training in integration, Cologne, with Henning Köhler and Pär Ahlbom (Sweden) Further training in rota therapy helper, Bernhard Lievegoed Institute, Hamburg Further training in promoting neuromotor development according to the INPP® method , International School for Neurodevelopmental Training and Research, Laboe advanced training in bilateral integration, Andrew Dalziell (Scotland) advanced training on the neuromotor INPP (pre-)school program, International School for Neurodevelopmental Training and Research, Laboe class support 1st-3rd. Class Waldorf School Itzehoe support hours 2nd-6th Class Waldorf School Itzehoe Handicraft lessons Classes 1-4, Waldorf School Lübeck, curative education branch Individual and group care for children with nature- and animal-supported pedagogy Intensive study of the topic of "giftedness" Intensive study of the topic of "high sensitivity" Seminar Communication & Conflict Resolution, Lübeck Basic seminar CranioSacral Therapy, UCD Lübeck Training Nonviolent Communication, boq, Kiel Further training on traumatization in early childhood, Kiel Child Protection Center Further training on early childhood reflexes and trauma, Hamburg, Marian-Louise Giffhorn Further training on the use of foot bandages to improve statics, Petra Kunz-Blunert, Bodilance, Kiel advanced training JIAS hearing training, Johansen Individualized Auditory Stimulation, Katrin Sanne, Schönberg